Spanishdict translate english to spanish - Are you looking to improve your English skills but finding it difficult to fit traditional language classes into your busy schedule? Look no further. With the rise of online educat...

Translate millions of words and phrases for free on, the world's largest Spanish-English dictionary and translation website.. Rv technician salary

5. (used in place of another verb) a. to do. Me mandó que lavara los platos pero ya lo había hecho.He told me to wash the dishes but I had already done it. 6. (to acquire) a. to make. Hizo una nueva amiga en el colegio.He made a new friend at school. 7. (to cause) a. to make. La hizo llorar.Search millions of Spanish-English example sentences from our dictionary, TV shows, and the internet. ... is the world's most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and learning website. Ver en español en inglé FEATURES. Translation Conjugation Vocabulary Learn Spanish Grammar Word of the Day. ABOUT ...a. la señora. (F) I talked to an elderly lady at the library. Hablé con una señora mayor en la biblioteca. b. la dama. (F) (formal) Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our show.Damas y caballeros, bienvenidos a nuestro espectáculo. 2. (refined woman)Spanish-to-English translator. noun. 1. (general) a. el traductor español-inglés. I'm looking for a Spanish-to-English translator who can translate my résumé.Busco un traductor español-inglés que pueda traducir mi CV. b. la traductora español-inglés. (F) My daughter majored in Spanish Literature. She's now working as a Spanish …a. relajarse. I am going to take a warm bath to relax.Voy a tomarme un baño caliente para relajarme. If you want to relax, go take a walk on the beach.Si quieres relajarte, sal a caminar por la playa. b. descansar. Lupita likes listening to music to relax.A Lupita le gusta escuchar música para descansar. transitive verb.transitive verb. 1. (to utilize) a. to use. Puedes usar mi teléfono viejo si no logras encontrar el tuyo.You can use my old phone if you don't manage to find yours. 2. (to have on) a. to wear. Voy a usar mi chaqueta nueva cuando haga frío.I'm going to wear my new jacket when it gets cold.magician ... Lightning bolts came shooting from the tips of the magician's fingers.De la punta de los dedos del mago, salieron disparados rayos. ... The magician ...2. (of little importance) a. insignificant. No me involucres en un asunto tan menudo.Don't involve me in such an insignificant matter. 3. (exact) a. meticulous. Es muy menudo en su trabajo. He's very meticulous in his work. 4. (emphasis) a.1. (frequently) a. a menudo. I come to this store often. Vengo a esta tienda a menudo. b. frecuentemente. I know she visits him often. Sé que lo visita frecuentemente. c. con frecuencia. I often go shopping after work.Voy de compras después de …1. (to make musical sounds with the voice) a. cantar (person, bird) He's always sung like an angel.Siempre ha cantado como un ángel. 2. (to sound) a. silbar (wind, kettle) The wind was singing softly through the trees.El viento silbaba suavemente por los árboles. b. zumbar (ears) His ears were still singing from the noise of the airplanes ...In today’s interconnected world, the ability to translate content accurately and efficiently has become increasingly important. One of the most significant advancements in translat...Translating German to English can be a challenging task, especially for those who are not proficient in both languages. While there are various tools and resources available to aid...a. la señora. (F) I talked to an elderly lady at the library. Hablé con una señora mayor en la biblioteca. b. la dama. (F) (formal) Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our show.Damas y caballeros, bienvenidos a nuestro espectáculo. 2. (refined woman)The King James Bible, also known as the Authorized Version, is one of the most widely read and influential translations of the Bible. Published in 1611, it has had a significant im...1. (in the bathroom) a. el lavabo. (M) I cleaned the sink and the bathtub.Limpié el lavabo y la bañera. b. el lavamanos. (M) Wash your hands in the sink before having lunch.Lávate las manos en el lavamanos antes de comer. 2. …Google's service, offered free of charge, instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.Get conjugations, examples, and pronunciations for millions of words and phrases in Spanish and English. WRITTEN BY EXPERTS. Translate with Confidence. Access ...phrase. 1. (informal) (imperative; second person singular) a. give me. Dame más tiempo. Este problema matemático es más difícil de lo que parece.Give me more time. This math problem is harder than it looks. b. gimme.Are you looking to improve your English skills but finding it difficult to fit traditional language classes into your busy schedule? Look no further. With the rise of online educat...Get conjugations, examples, and pronunciations for millions of words and phrases in Spanish and English. WRITTEN BY EXPERTS. Translate with Confidence. Access ... noun. 1. (division of a year) a. la estación. (F) Leaves change color with the seasons.Las hojas cambian de color con las estaciones. 2. (sports and other events) a. la temporada. (F) Next season we are going to win the championship.La próxima temporada vamos a ganar el campeonato. Translate English-spanish. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations. 5. (used in place of another verb) a. to do. Me mandó que lavara los platos pero ya lo había hecho.He told me to wash the dishes but I had already done it. 6. (to acquire) a. to make. Hizo una nueva amiga en el colegio.He made a new friend at school. 7. (to cause) a. to make. La hizo llorar. intransitive verb. 1. (used to indicate movement) a. to go. Ayer Ana y yo fuimos al cine.Yesterday, Ana and I went to the movies. 2. (used to talk about directions) a. to go. Por aquí no se va a la estación.This is not the way to go to the station. 3. (used to talk about a visit or stay) a. to be.The world's most popular Spanish translation website. Over 1 million words and phrases. Free. Easy. Accurate. The world's most popular Spanish translation website. Over 1 million words and phrases. Free. Easy. Accurate. 1. (lawn) a. el césped. (M) He fell asleep on the grass, next to his dog. Se quedó dormido en el césped, junto a su perro. b. el pasto. (M) (Latin America) It makes me angry when the neighbors' dog poos on my grass.Me enoja que el perro de los vecinos haga caca en mi pasto. a. so much. Te quiero tanto. I love you so much. adjective. 2. (expressing quantity) a. so much (singular) Todavía tengo tanto trabajo para hacer.I have so much work still to do. b. so many (plural) Había tantos pasteles que nos llevamos algunos a casa.There were so many cakes that we took some home. Translate millions of words and phrases for free on, the world's largest Spanish-English dictionary and translation website. Translate millions of words and phrases for free on, the world's largest Spanish-English dictionary and translation website.Translate Traductor. See 2 ... Si no hablas el idioma, puedes usar un traductor como el de SpanishDict ... English-Spanish translator · traductor de español a ...ehr. ) transitive verb. 1. (general) a. to scrape. Tengo que hacerle el dobladillo a estos pantalones porque están rayendo el suelo.I have to hem these pants because they're scraping the floor. b. to scrape off. El pintor suele raer su paleta para quitar los colores secos.The painter usually scrapes off his palette to remove dried-out colors.intransitive verb. 1. (to decrease) a. to fall. La tasa de desempleo descendió del 6.5% al 5% en el último trimestre.The unemployment rate fell from 6.5% to 5% in the last quarter. b. to drop.3. (to listen to) a. oír. I've heard what you had to say, and I still don't agree with you.He oído lo que tenías que decir, y sigo sin estar de acuerdo. b. escuchar. Hear me out before jumping to conclusions.Escúchame antes de llegar a cualquier conclusión. 4. (legal) a. ver.noun. 1. (difficult task) a. el reto. (M) It was quite a challenge to climb the mountain. Supuso un gran reto escalar la montaña. b. el desafío. (M) We are facing several challenges at this stage of the project.Nos enfrentamos con varios desafíos a estas alturas del proyecto. Search millions of Spanish-English example sentences from our dictionary, TV shows, and the internet. Translate English to Spanish translation. See authoritative translations of English to Spanish translation in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations. 2. (religious) a. father (priest) Busco al padre Guillermo para confesarme.I'm looking for father William so that I can confess. b. Father (God) Nuestro padre perdona nuestros pecados.Our Father forgives our sins. 3. (founder) a. father. Son considerados los padres de la patria.They are considered the fathers of the country.Happy birthday, you know, I wish you the best, today and always. Felicidades, ya sabes, te deseo lo mejor, hoy y siempre. Happy birthday to both of us, sister. Felicidades a las dos, hermana. Happy birthday to the Isle of Patmos and patmosiani fathers. Feliz cumpleaños a la Isla de Patmos y padres patmosiani.wach. ) transitive verb. 1. (to see) a. ver. Let's watch a movie tonight.Veamos una película esta noche. b. mirar. My wife watched me while I played the piano.Mi esposa me miraba mientras tocaba el piano. c. observar.transitive verb. 1. (to extend) a. to spread out. El águila extendió las alas y empezó a volar hacia su nido.The eagle spread out its wings and began to fly toward its eyrie. b. to stretch out. La niña extendió los brazos para abrazarme.The little girl stretched out her arms to hug me. 2. (to unfold) a. to spread out.intransitive verb. 1. (used to indicate movement) a. to go. Ayer Ana y yo fuimos al cine.Yesterday, Ana and I went to the movies. 2. (used to talk about directions) a. to go. Por aquí no se va a la estación.This is not the way to go to the station. 3. (used to talk about a visit or stay) a. to be. Translate millions of words and phrases for free on SpanishDict, the world's largest Spanish-English dictionary and translation website. a. el contacto. (M) There was contact between the two cars when they went into the first corner.Hubo contacto entre los dos coches al tomar la primera curva. 2. (communication) a. el contacto. (M) He will be in contact with you through this phone number.Estará en contacto contigo a través de este número de teléfono. 3. (person)English to Tagalog translation can be a challenging task, especially for those who are not native speakers of either language. However, with the right approach and some helpful tip...In today’s interconnected world, the ability to translate content accurately and efficiently has become increasingly important. One of the most significant advancements in translat...transitive verb. 1. (to purchase) a. comprar. I have to buy a birthday present for my brother. Tengo que comprar un regalo de cumpleaños para mi hermano. 2. (to bribe) a. sobornar. He tried to buy the mayor but ended up in jail.Intentó sobornar al alcalde pero terminó en la cárcel. b. comprar. Translate English-spanish. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations. 1. (expressing gratitude) a. gracias. Thanks for the ride home!¡Gracias por traerme a casa! noun. 2. (expression of gratitude) a. las gracias. (F) We give thanks for this meal. Damos gracias por esta comida.7. (to have an opinion; often used with "of" and "about") a. pensar. Tell me what you think about the issue.Dime qué piensas tú del asunto. b. tener una opinión. We think highly of her. Tenemos muy buena opinión de ella. 8. (to take into consideration; used with "of") a. tener en cuenta.gah. ) feminine noun. 1. (area of flat land) a. meadow. No hay nada mejor que una vega herbosa para acostarse.There's nothing better than a grassy meadow to lie down on. b. valley. La vega de Granada es muy rica en árboles frutales.The Granada valley is very rich in fruit-bearing trees. c. fertile plain.Translate millions of words and phrases for free on, the world's largest Spanish-English dictionary and translation website.Get More than a Translation. Get conjugations, examples, and pronunciations for millions of words and phrases in Spanish and English. Access millions of accurate translations written by our team of experienced English-Spanish …phrase. 1. (informal) (imperative; second person singular) a. give me. Dame más tiempo. Este problema matemático es más difícil de lo que parece.Give me more time. This math problem is harder than it looks. b. gimme. If you need to translate Spanish to English, just follow the same steps mentioned earlier in this article!’s translator is an ideal tool for Spanish translation to English. If you need a human for real Spanish-to-English translation, you can also find Spanish-English translators on translators’ associations websites. Translate English to english. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations.1. (indicating space) a. por todo. They own restaurants throughout the city. Tienen restaurantes por toda la ciudad. b. en todo. His dishes are famous throughout the world.Sus platos son famosos en todo el mundo. 2. (indicating time) a. a lo largo de.transitive verb. 1. (to extend) a. to spread out. El águila extendió las alas y empezó a volar hacia su nido.The eagle spread out its wings and began to fly toward its eyrie. b. to stretch out. La niña extendió los brazos para abrazarme.The little girl stretched out her arms to hug me. 2. (to unfold) a. to spread out.Language barriers can often be a major obstacle in today’s globalized world. Whether you are a business owner looking to expand into new markets or an individual seeking personal g...2. (used to express purpose) a. for (used before a gerund) Lo quiero para cocinar la pasta. I want it for cooking the pasta. b. in order to (used before an infinitive) Para ser salvavidas, tienes que saber nadar muy bien.In order to be a lifeguard, you have to know how to swim really well. c. to (used before base form)1. (lawn) a. el césped. (M) He fell asleep on the grass, next to his dog. Se quedó dormido en el césped, junto a su perro. b. el pasto. (M) (Latin America) It makes me angry when the neighbors' dog poos on my grass.Me enoja que el perro de los vecinos haga caca en mi pasto.transitive verb. 1. (to purchase) a. comprar. I have to buy a birthday present for my brother. Tengo que comprar un regalo de cumpleaños para mi hermano. 2. (to bribe) a. sobornar. He tried to buy the mayor but ended up in jail.Intentó sobornar al alcalde pero terminó en la cárcel. b. comprar.Translate millions of words and phrases for free on, the world's largest Spanish-English dictionary and translation website.Get conjugations, examples, and pronunciations for millions of words and phrases in Spanish and English. Translate SpanishDict. See authoritative translations of … Translate millions of words and phrases for free on, the world's largest Spanish-English dictionary and translation website. To translate Spanish to English using Google, go to, and insert or write the Spanish phrases or sentences in the box labeled Translate. Choose from one of seve...Translate any word, phrase, or sentence from English to Spanish with three options: written by experts, AI-powered, or regional. Learn Spanish vocabulary, grammar, and …Google's service, offered free of charge, instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.Spanish. Learn synonyms, antonyms, and opposites in Spanish and English with translations for every word using the world's best Spanish-English thesaurus and translator! Take advantage of our thesaurus to develop your vocabulary.intransitive verb. 1. (to decrease) a. to fall. La tasa de desempleo descendió del 6.5% al 5% en el último trimestre.The unemployment rate fell from 6.5% to 5% in the last quarter. b. to drop.sno. ) noun. 1. (weather) a. la nieve. (F) Class is canceled due to the snow.La clase está cancelada debido a la nieve. 2. (interference on television screen) a. la nieve.Translate Pronunciation. See 4 authoritative translations of Pronunciation in Spanish with example sentences, phrases and audio pronunciations.Translate From spanish to english. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations.noun. 1. (difficult task) a. el reto. (M) It was quite a challenge to climb the mountain. Supuso un gran reto escalar la montaña. b. el desafío. (M) We are facing several challenges at this stage of the project.Nos enfrentamos con varios desafíos a estas alturas del proyecto.The world's most popular Spanish translation website. Over 1 million words and phrases. Free. Easy.adverb. 1. (manner) a. cómo. How did you get here so quickly?¿Cómo llegaste tan rápido? I don't know how to do this.No sé cómo hacer esto. b. de qué manera. How did you put together the machine?¿De qué manera armaste la máquina? 2. (degree) a. cuán.Translate millions of words and phrases for free on, the world's largest Spanish-English dictionary and translation website.Translate Spanish to English translation. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations.Search millions of Spanish-English example sentences from our dictionary, TV shows, and the internet. Translate Spanish to English. See authoritative translations of Spanish to English in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations.2. (to originate) a. to start. La pelea empezó en la calle.The fight started in the street. 3. (to start out; used with "por" plus infinitive) a. to start by. Quiero empezar por darles la bienvenida esta noche.I'd like to start by welcoming you this evening. b. to begin by.Translate words and phrases from English to Spanish with this free online tool. Learn Spanish with interactive and immersive lessons, vocabulary lists, cheat sheets, and more.adjective. 1. (sufficient) a. suficiente. There's enough food for everyone.Hay suficiente comida para todos. b. bastante. There is enough flour to make a loaf of bread.Hay bastante harina para preparar una hogaza de pan. adverb. 2. …a. tener la intención de. I didn't mean to say the things that I said. I'm sorry.No tuve la intención de decir lo que dije. Lo siento. 5. (to be important) a. no direct translation. I can't imagine life without you. You mean the world to me.No me imagino vivir sin ti.

noun. 1. (someone who provides guidance) a. el mentor. (M) , la mentora. (F) My manager is more than a boss; she is a mentor.Mi gerente es más que una jefa; es una mentora. transitive verb. 2. (to provide guidance and advice). Annna bellas

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a. to be around. El costo medio de un sitio web anda por los $2000.The average cost of a website is around $2000. transitive verb. 9. (to travel on foot) a. to walk. Estoy agotada porque esta mañana anduve 20 kilómetros.I'm exhausted because I walked 20 kilometers this morning. masculine noun. 10. (movement) a. gait.transitive verb. 1. (to utilize) a. to use. Puedes usar mi teléfono viejo si no logras encontrar el tuyo.You can use my old phone if you don't manage to find yours. 2. (to have on) a. to wear. Voy a usar mi chaqueta nueva cuando haga frío.I'm going to wear my new jacket when it gets cold.transitive verb. 1. (to purchase) a. comprar. I have to buy a birthday present for my brother. Tengo que comprar un regalo de cumpleaños para mi hermano. 2. (to bribe) a. sobornar. He tried to buy the mayor but ended up in jail.Intentó sobornar al alcalde pero terminó en la cárcel. b. comprar.The world's most popular Spanish translation website. Over 1 million words and phrases. Free. Easy. Accurate.Translate Pronunciation. See 4 authoritative translations of Pronunciation in Spanish with example sentences, phrases and audio pronunciations.Google is a powerhouse when it comes to technology and innovation. One of their most useful tools is the English to Spanish translation feature. With over 460 million native speake...5. (to clench) a. tensar. He stretched and tensed his muscles before working out.Estiró y tensó sus músculos antes de hacer ejercicio. b. poner en tensión. He tensed the rope and jumped. Puso la cuerda en tensión y saltó. intransitive verb. 6. (to become nervous; used with "up") a. ponerse tenso. Translate Spanish to English translation. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations. Get conjugations, examples, and pronunciations for millions of words and phrases in Spanish and English. Translate SpanishDict. See authoritative translations of …¡Encantado! / ¡Encantada! How are you? ¿Cómo está? I'm fine, thanks. Bien, gracias. Could you repeat that, please? ¿Puede repetir, por favor? I don't understand. No …2. (religious) a. father (priest) Busco al padre Guillermo para confesarme.I'm looking for father William so that I can confess. b. Father (God) Nuestro padre perdona nuestros pecados.Our Father forgives our sins. 3. (founder) a. father. Son considerados los padres de la patria.They are considered the fathers of the country.transitive verb. 2. (to select) a. elegir. I chose the red dress for my big night.Elegí el vestido rojo para mi gran noche. b. escoger. Choose whatever you prefer; it's on the house.Escoja lo que prefiera; invita la …noun. 1. (anatomy) a. el cerebro. (M) The brain is the most important organ in the body.El cerebro es el órgano más importante del cuerpo. 2. (intellect) a. la cabeza. (F) He has a privileged brain for mathematics.Tiene una cabeza privilegiada para las matemáticas.intransitive verb. 1. (used to indicate movement) a. to go. Ayer Ana y yo fuimos al cine.Yesterday, Ana and I went to the movies. 2. (used to talk about directions) a. to go. Por aquí no se va a la estación.This is not the way to go to the station. 3. (used to talk about a visit or stay) a. to be.2. (of little importance) a. insignificant. No me involucres en un asunto tan menudo.Don't involve me in such an insignificant matter. 3. (exact) a. meticulous. Es muy menudo en su trabajo. He's very meticulous in his work. 4. (emphasis) a..

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